What Your Business Needs to Know About the ELD Mandate

The electronic logging device rule, also known as the ELD Mandate, is one of the biggest changes ever to hit the trucking industry. The deadline to comply was December 2017, which means that trucking companies and independent drivers who are not using ELDs risk facing costly fines. Is your business adhering to the ELD Mandate? Here is what you need to know about compliance.

What is the ELD Mandate?

The ELD Mandate is simply a change to the way that Hours of Service (HOS) and Records of Duty Status (RODS) are collected. Under the ELD Mandate, truckers must use an electronic logging device—ELD—to record their hours, rather than paper records. Companies had until December 2017 to add certified ELDs for recording HOS in their vehicles. For companies that already had automatic on-broad recording devices or AOBRDs, but whose AOBRDs may not comply with the new guidelines for certified ELDs have until December 2019 to make the upgrades. It’s important to note that the ELD Mandate doesn’t change the number of hours that drivers are permitted to operate. It simply introduced a new way of tracking them.

Why should my business use ELDs?

Obviously, companies have to use ELDs to be in compliance with DOT regulations, but there are more reasons to embrace this technology. Paper logs are inconvenient for drivers and dispatchers to use and slow downloads. With ELDs, dispatchers can schedule loads more precisely and efficiently, and drivers don’t have to waste time filing lengthy paperwork. ELDs also make the roads safer by flagging operators who aren’t following HOS guidelines.

Are ELDs costly to adopt?

There is a range of styles of ELDs in a range of prices. In some cases, companies use tablets and smartphones instead of ELD devices. The most critical factor to keep in mind is that ELDs must be hardwired into the engine.

Let HDS Safety Services help your business navigate your requirements under the ELD Mandate and make sure your fleet is in compliance. Talk to an ELD auditing expert in Tucson today by calling (520) 622-0419.