You want to know as much about your employees as possible, even before you hire them. This way you can make the most informed decision and create a team that’s suited to carry out your mission. Hiring the right team means limiting injuries, damages, and accidents, and helping people make the most of themselves. Continue reading and see why pre-employment drug screening is necessary.

Building the Right Team
You need to know who you’re bringing on board, which is why background checks and drug tests are standard procedures for the hiring process in many cases. Pre-employment drug screening helps you hand-pick exactly the people you want to represent your brand and carry your business forward. Bringing someone with a drug problem onto the team can be bad for your business, your team morale, and the employees that you hire.

Avoiding Accidents
A drug-free workplace stands to be more productive and efficient, which is crucial if you want to stay ahead of the competition. No matter what kind of business you run, chances are someone else runs a similar business, so make sure your team is in top shape to attract and keep your customers. Pre-employment drug screening makes it easier to do this. Accidents set you back, damage inventory, and can sideline employees due to injury, so do your best to avoid them.

Helping People
Addiction is a disease, and it’s a difficult one to deal with. Pre-employment drug screening makes it clear that your business won’t tolerate drugs, which can motivate drug users to try to kick the habit, so they can be employed at your company.

If you’re looking for qualified professionals to help you craft the best team possible, contact HDS Safety Services. Our drug screening services can help you identify the best candidates for the job. Give us a call at (520) 622-0419 or look through our website.

Accusing someone of having a problem is tricky, as you should be respectful of the other person’s feelings. Some people get defensive when others intervene in their lives, which makes the process even more uncomfortable. Reasonable suspicion testing aims to address certain kinds of problems in the workplace, so read on and find out what it is.

Noticing a Problem

A drug addict probably won’t come out and tell you about the problem, so employers should look out for warning signs that might indicate addictive behavior. If you suspect that one of your employees is using illegal drugs or abusing prescription drugs, don’t hesitate to take action. Drug abuse and illegal drug use can both cause substantial problems that affect the user as well as everyone around him or her. Reasonable suspicion testing gives you the opportunity to find out for sure if one of your workers might be into something unhealthy.

Protecting the Team

Your operation relies on the entire team, so everyone needs to contribute. There are situations where one person weighs the rest of the group down, and sometimes this is due to drug use. You can use reasonable suspicion testing to administer drug tests to anyone who seems like they might have a substance abuse problem that impacts the team. Identifying and dealing with the problem may make the rest of the group more comfortable in the workplace.

Helping the Employee

A drug problem impacts the business, the team, and the individual who is struggling with addiction. Thanks to reasonable suspicion testing, you can acknowledge the problem and talk to the person who is suffering. This kind of caring attention can make a world of difference, and it can even save lives.

You can always count on HDS Safety Services to make your workplace safer, healthier, and more productive. Our areas of expertise include drug testing and compliance consulting. Visit our website, or call our offices at (520) 622-0419 if you have any questions.

People are pulled over and arrested for driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol every day, and the last thing you want is for this to happen to one of your drivers. You can’t take drugs like amphetamines, marijuana, or non-prescribed medications if you are a commercial driver, even when you aren’t on the job. Continue reading for a closer look at the prohibited drugs for truck drivers.


People use various forms of amphetamines for all different reasons, but truck drivers have been known to use them in order to stay awake during long trips. Using amphetamines like this is not only illegal but also extremely dangerous for truck drivers in particular. Amphetamines can change your mindset and behavior, which can present hazardous situations on the road. Consistent use of amphetamines can also affect a person’s personality and lead to a host of personal problems.


While marijuana is legal in certain states for recreational use and in many states for medical treatment, the active ingredient is still mind-altering. Marijuana can delay your reaction time and compromise your attention, both of which are important elements for people who spend a significant amount of their time on the road.

Non-Prescribed Narcotics

In some cases, drivers need certain types of medications in order to alleviate symptoms of an injury, but they can only take them if they have a prescription and when they are not about to get behind the wheel of a big rig. It’s always a good idea to talk to your supervisor and let him or her know about your situation, and you should also talk to your doctor about your medication options.

For more on the drugs that truck drivers are not allowed to take, consult the team of professionals at HDS Safety Services. We are happy to do our part in keeping your workforce safe, productive, and comfortable. Feel free to give us a call at (520) 622-0419 to find out how we can help you.

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When you work in an industry that must follow Department of Transportation (DOT) guidelines, it’s important to make sure all of your employees are up to the same standards. HDS Safety Services can help you accomplish this goal with our safety and compliance solutions:

Drug and Alcohol Testing
To stay up-to-date with DOT standards regarding drug and alcohol testing, employers must administer tests before hiring people, after accidents, when there is reasonable suspicion, and at random. HDS Safety Services can help you make sure you administer all the necessary drug and alcohol testing.

If you’re looking for compliance and safety training services for your employees, HDS Safety Services can help. We offer many different training courses that can help both drivers and supervisors stay safe and follow essential guidelines. Some of our courses include driver training and education, maintenance and inspection training, and supervisor reasonable suspicion training.

Auditing Services
HDS Safety Services also offers compliance auditing services to help companies ensure that their safety standards and practices are following state and federal regulations. Items that we can review for your company include insurance, driver qualification files, vehicle maintenance and inspection, time records and all supporting documents, accident files, driver logs and all supporting documents, and drug and alcohol programs.

Driver Qualification
If you don’t want to worry about creating and maintaining driver qualification files, you can let HDS Safety Services handle those responsibilities for you. We can make and maintain drive qualification files and provide audits regularly.

You can learn more about these services by contacting the team at HDS Safety Services today. Give us a call at (520) 622-0419 to hear more about our safety services that can help you comply with all the local and federal laws your business needs to run smoothly and successfully.

Safety training is a critical part of complying with Department of Transportation (DOT) regulations and keeping your team on the road. At HDS Safety Services, we offer a number of different training courses for drivers and supervisors that can be tailored to the specific needs of your business. These courses can be taught in person or online. Here is a closer look at some of the safety training courses we offer.

Compliance Training

DOT compliance regulations are complicated, but even a minor error can lead to significant fines and can take your fleet off the road for an extended period of time. In our compliance training course, our team will teach your compliance staff how to build an effective safety program for your business and how to manage safe working conditions on an ongoing basis. The course also covers DOT compliance rules, so that your team understands the guidelines.

Maintenance and Inspection Training

Your drivers are on the frontline of safety compliance, and proper vehicle inspections and maintenance are part of the process of staying safe on the road. During this course, our team teaches your drivers to inspect their vehicles and perform basic maintenance tasks. This course is taught using your drivers’ own vehicles, so they get to see exactly how the process should be conducted on the vehicles they will take on the road.

Supervisor Reasonable Suspicion Training

Reasonable suspicion drug and alcohol testing is an important part of maintaining a high level of safety in your business. During this course, we teach your supervisors how to spot signs of alcohol and drug abuse and how to conduct reasonable suspicion testing in accordance with DOT guidelines. Anyone who takes this course will receive a Supervisor Reasonable Suspicion certification from the DOT.

If you’re interested in providing safety training classes in Tucson to your team, call HDS Safety Services today. Dial (520) 622-0419 to learn more or to register for a course.  

Drug and alcohol testing facilities are required to follow very strict protocols to ensure compliance with regulations. The DOT-compliant urine collection protocols were designed to prevent samples from being tampered with or otherwise compromised. Here’s a quick look at just a few of the urine collection protocols.

Site Integrity

Before each testing appointment, the collector must inspect the collection site to ensure there are no opportunities for the employee to tamper with the sample. Collectors will:

  • Ensure there is a coloring agent in the toilet and tank.
  • Temporarily prevent the functioning of water faucets.
  • Remove all possible adulterants from the location, including soap and cleaning agents.
  • Inspect or secure any items that could be used to conceal adulterants, including paper towel holders and under-sink areas.

Employee Arrival

As soon as the employee arrives for testing, he or she must begin the testing procedures. Collectors do not delay testing if an employee states that he or she isn’t ready or is unable to urinate, since this provides the opportunity for tampering. The collector verifies the employee’s identification information and explains the collection procedures. Then, the collector must ask the employee to remove all outer clothing, including jackets and hats, and place these items along with other personal belongings (bags, briefcases, etc.) in a secured location. The employee has the right to request a receipt to retrieve personal belongings afterward.

Sample Collection

The collector does not need to remain in the collection room while the employee is providing the sample. However, the collector will remain nearby and will time the employee. If the employee takes too long or the collector has any reason to believe the employee is attempting to tamper with the sample, then the collector will immediately initiate a second collection using a new kit. The employee will be under direct observation of the collector when the second sample is provided.

HDS Safety Services provides a complete continuum of services for employers in the Tucson area, including DOT-compliant drug and alcohol testing, state and federal auditing, pre-employment screening, and compliance and safety training. Call (520) 622-0419 if you have any questions about your workplace safety program.

Without question, safety is the most important concern in the transportation industry. Accidents in the trucking industry have the potential to cause great damage and result in numerous fatalities, which is why the Department of Transportation (DOT) subjects motor carriers and other companies that perform safety-sensitive duties to rigorous compliance standards. Any company that is not 100% compliant with these regulations may receive hefty fines or be issued an Out of Service order, which essentially means being shut down by the DOT. Fortunately, there are companies that can audit your safety and compliance program to make sure it’s up to par. Here are some of the top reasons to hire an auditing service:

Save Time and Money

Making sure that your safety and compliance program is aligned with DOT rules and regulations can save you a lot of time and money in the long run. Depending on the number and scope of non-compliance issues, your company may be subject to heavy fines or even shut down by the DOT. Scheduling an audit is a small price to pay compared to what’s at stake if your company is found to be non-compliant.

Keep Drivers Safe

There’s a reason the DOT is strict about its safety and compliance standards: they help keep drivers safe. Time records, driver logs, vehicle maintenance reports, drug and alcohol testing, and hazmat procedures are just a few of the safety and compliance practices that the DOT has designed to prevent or lower the risk of accidents. By making sure your company is compliant with these measures, you will, in turn, make sure your drivers (and your business) are safe.

Get Expert Advice

Auditors will provide a full report of their findings which outlines non-compliance issues that were discovered along with recommendations on how to correct them. These recommendations will ultimately improve your safety and compliance program, which is a good thing for your workforce, your company, and for the greater public good.

HDS Safety & Compliance provides on-site audits that can help you avoid the headache of dealing with Federal and State inspectors. In addition to auditing your company’s entire safety and compliance program, we will also provide your drivers with a refresher log training class. HDS also provides nationwide DOT drug and alcohol testing services. To learn more, call us toll-free at (800) 800-7801 or contact us online.

Drug and alcohol testing programs ensure that the work environment you provide to employees is safe and healthy. Compliance with drug and alcohol regulations also protects the passengers and cargo carried by the transportation industry. If your workplace does not currently maintain a drug and alcohol testing program, keep reading to learn a few of the important steps you’ll need to take to establish a successful testing program.

Obtain the Correct Certification or Authorization

The transportation industry requires compliance with certification or authorization requirements prior to beginning and maintaining a program for employee drug and alcohol testing. These certifications are dependent upon the type of transportation certificate or operator’s license you currently hold, and typically include registration of your program with your overseeing regulatory body, such as the FAA, to ensure your program meets the requirements set forth in your industry for drug and alcohol compliance.

Notify and Train Employees

Supervisors and employees all play a vital role in a successful drug and alcohol testing and compliance program. Once you have registered your program, you will need to complete compliance training to ensure your employees understand the regulations to which they will be held and the testing process they will undergo. You may also wish to provide documentation outlining these regulations to new employees when they are hired.

Begin Drug and Alcohol Testing

Working with a third-party administrator can make drug and alcohol testing a smooth and simple process. Third-party administrators not only have the resources to handle large-scale testing with accurate results and follow-up opportunities but can also maintain your company’s training and test records safely and properly.
Are you ready to begin your own workplace drug and alcohol testing program? HDS Safety and Compliance have everything you need, from compliance and safety training for employees and supervisors to drug and alcohol testing services that include pre-employment screening, random screening, post-accident screening, and return-to-duty testing. We invite you to find out more about our services and solutions on our website or call (520) 622-0419 to discuss your needs today.

Trucking companies must follow strict safety regulations from the DOT (Department of Transportation) and the FMCSA (Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration). These regulations help keep those working in the trucking industry safe. Additionally, they protect other travelers on the road. It is incredibly important that all motor carriers follow DOT and FMCSA guidelines. Because there are so many complex regulations, it can be difficult to keep track of them all. When you work with HDS Safety Services we help you stay safe and compliant.

Here are just a few key safety tips for trucking companies to know:

Drug Testing

The FMCSA requires trucking companies to complete drug and alcohol testing under specific circumstances. You must always test potential employees for drug use before hiring them for safety-sensitive duties. This means that all new truck drivers must have negative test results confirmed before they can start driving. Alcohol testing at this stage is optional. There are also requirements for drug and alcohol testing after accidents, before a driver who failed a test returns to duty, if a supervisor has reasonable suspicion of drug use or alcohol abuse, and randomly to ensure continued compliance. HDS Safety Services can help you manage all of these different testing requirements. We operate one of the largest random drug and alcohol testing consortiums in the State of Arizona. We offer DOT-compliant testing as well as additional testing for trucking companies who wish to go above and beyond required regulations to help ensure a safe workplace.

Electronic Logging Device (ELD)

Hours of service regulations dictate how long a truck driver can drive, how often they must take breaks, and other requirements for time on and off duty. In the past, these needed to be tracked manually. Recent advancements in technology have resulted in electronic logging devices (ELDs) becoming the standard for tracking hours of service. In fact, the FMCSA requires the majority of commercial motor vehicles to use an ELD, with limited exceptions. We can help you stay on top of hours of service regulations through ELD auditing services. We monitor your fleet to make sure your trucking company meets FMCSA and DOT regulations. This allows us to identify potential violations before they occur, keeping you and your truck drivers safe and compliant.

DOT Compliance Training

Regular training can help trucking companies ensure that both drivers and supervisors are up-to-date when it comes to DOT and FMCSA regulations. At HDS Safety Services, we offer both online and in-person classes for your employees. These classes include:

Maintenance and Inspection Training

Truck drivers will use their own trucks to go over the steps of a proper inspection. This helps them meet DOT requirements while also minimizing risk when heading out for a long haul.

Supervisor Reasonable Suspicion

One of the times when a trucking company must perform drug or alcohol testing is when a supervisor has reasonable suspicion a safety-sensitive employee is under the influence. This class goes over the requirements for identifying and reporting reasonable suspicion.

DOT Compliance Training

This comprehensive training is intended to help supervisors develop a more successful safety program. Our trainers will go over DOT regulations and requirements and will give you helpful tips on staying compliant.

DOT and FMCSA Compliance for Trucking Companies

HDS Safety Services offers a variety of services to help motor carriers stay on top of DOT and FMCSA compliance. This not only protects you in case of an audit but also helps keep your employees and others on the road safe.

Contact us today to learn more about our safety services for trucking companies.

It’s an employer’s responsibility to identify all potential hazards, and to ensure that the company meets state and federal compliance requirements. Depending on your company and industry, some of those hazards may include hazardous materials. In addition to providing rigorous initial training for employees who will handle hazardous materials, your company can protect your workers by providing frequent reminders and continuing training opportunities.

Check for container labeling.

Before handling any container that may contain hazardous materials, employees should always check the label. Any container that is damaged lacks a label, or has an illegible label should be promptly reported to the supervisor. The labeling information, along with the MSDS information will alert employees to the potential hazards and necessary precautions.

Use personal protective equipment (PPE).

Employees must be provided with the proper PPE and trained on its use. Employees should get into the habit of carefully inspecting all PPE items prior to use. Worn out or damaged PPE should be replaced promptly, as it won’t provide sufficient protection from hazardous materials.

Prevent contamination and cross-contamination risks.

Employees should be provided with the necessary cleaning equipment in order to keep their work surfaces clean. All work surfaces should be cleaned at least once per shift to reduce the risk of contamination. Employees should be reminded to wash up with soap and water after handling any hazardous materials. They should also be reminded to avoid eating or drinking anything or handling cosmetics or contact lenses if there is a possibility that their hands are contaminated.

Understand emergency protocols.

Every company must have established emergency protocols. These should include evacuation procedures, emergency reporting procedures, and protocols for handling fires, spills, and chemical toxicity. All new employees should be thoroughly trained on these procedures, and additional training may be conducted to remind veteran employees.

HDS Safety Services is a trusted provider of comprehensive transportation industry safety and compliance solutions. We build, audit, and maintain driver qualification files, and conduct federal and state audits of company-wide safety programs. Partner with HDS Safety Services today by calling our headquarters in Tucson at (520) 622-0419.

The Department of Transportation (DOT) requires certain supervisors to undergo training in reasonable suspicion. This requirement covers supervisors working in the trucking, airline, transit, railroad, pipeline, hazardous materials, and maintenance of way sectors. Reasonable suspicion training empowers supervisors to make appropriate decisions regarding the drug and alcohol testing of employees.

Understanding Reasonable Suspicion Testing

Safety-sensitive employees are required to undergo drug and alcohol testing at certain times, such as when they are hired. Additionally, supervisors may initiate reasonable suspicion testing if a safety-sensitive employee is showing possible indicators of drug or alcohol misuse. Reasonable suspicion testing is intended to protect the public welfare by identifying and handling employees who are misusing alcohol or drugs, and by serving as a deterrent to reduce the risk of alcohol and drug abuse in safety-sensitive sectors.

Exploring Reasonable Suspicion Training

Federal code requires supervisors to undergo two hours of reasonable suspicion training. One of these training hours covers alcohol misuse. The second covers illegal drug use.

Identifying the Components of Reasonable Suspicion

In the training course, supervisors will learn about the criteria for making a reasonable suspicion testing determination. All test determinations must be made on the basis of the supervisor’s objective and specific observations of the employee. A “gut feeling” is not an adequate basis to initiate reasonable suspicion testing. Rather, if called upon, the supervisor must be able to articulate observations about the employee’s behavior, speech, body odors, or appearance. These observations should be suggestive of alcohol misuse, illegal drug use, or drug or alcohol withdrawal. It should be noted that the supervisor must directly make these observations. It is insufficient for the supervisor to rely on secondhand reports from other sources, such as other employees.

HDS Safety Services is pleased to offer comprehensive and customizable training courses for drivers and supervisors. Supervisors are invited to enroll in our reasonable suspicion training course, available both online and in-person. Call our office in Tucson at (520) 622-0419 for additional information about DOT-certification in reasonable suspicion.