Hiring unqualified workers can turn into a liability in any industry or job setting, but it can be especially dangerous on the road. Anyone who drives for a living must understand certain safety rules and abide by them in order to avoid injuries and damages. Keep reading and see if your drivers are qualified for work.

Knowing Why You Need Qualified Drivers
Everyone you hire should be capable of performing the duties outlined in the job description, but there’s an extra level of importance placed on drivers. This is because drivers interact with other motorists, passengers, and pedestrians, so they need to know how to stay safe. An unqualified driver is more likely to cause an accident on the road, which is a liability for your company. Make sure you only hire those who have proven themselves capable of taking on the responsibilities of the job.

Discovering Your Drivers’ Backgrounds
You can only tell so much about a person through an interview, so you might want to bring in the professionals if you’re vetting applicants for a driving position. You need to make sure any driver you hire is up to the task to keep everyone on the road safe and business moving. Driver qualification file service and management can be of help, and pre-employment qualification will ensure that you only hire drivers who can perform.

Finding a Compliance Company
There’s a lot to deal with when you own a business, which can make it difficult to stay on top of compliance. A compliance company can take care of that for you, so you can focus on the other aspects of your job. Choose one that has real experience in the industry, and make sure you find the right fit before making an agreement.

A competent workforce is integral to your business’s success, so call HDS Safety Services at (520) 622-0419 and see how we can help. Compliance and safety training is one of our specialties, and you can learn all about our services by checking out our website.

Every business needs a team of knowledgeable employees in order to sustain itself. For the business to grow, these employees need to be at the top of their game. Employee training makes the workplace safer and employees more comfortable, and there are many different ways to offer this training. Continue reading and invest in employee training to grow your business.

Safety Benefits
There is no formula that can eliminate accidents in the workplace, but there are steps you can put in place to make them less likely. Employee training is one example. When employees are fully trained to do their jobs, they are less likely to make mistakes. They are more confident in their abilities, and they aren’t as prone to panicking and making a mistake that they normally wouldn’t have. In this way, employee training helps keep the business moving forward.

Types of Employee Training
Employee training makes a real impact, and there are many ways you can go about it. Maintenance inspection and training, as well as driver training and education, are types of courses that will make employees safer, more comfortable, and more knowledgeable. If in-person training isn’t viable, you can even have your workers take online training courses.

Employee Comfort
Even if you’ve been at your job for years, you might forget things now and then. If you notice that this is happening to some of your employees, you might suggest that they take a refresher course. This is particularly helpful for people who have taken a leave of injury or have been otherwise sidelined. It also ensures that everyone is on the same page so the team can work in unison.

Your employees need to know what they’re doing, and HDS Safety Services’ employee training services can help. Check out our website or call us at 877-206-1282 to see how we can help you grow your business.

Accidents happen, but they shouldn’t happen more than occasionally. Drug testing can help supervisors understand the nature of the accident and make any necessary changes to keep the workplace safe and the team in good health. Keep reading for more on why employees need to be drug tested after on the job accidents.

Understanding the Incident

No matter how much you trust an employee, it’s important to find out the real details surrounding a workplace accident. If a drug test reveals that one of the employees involved in the incident was using non-prescribed or illegal drugs, then this presents a few problems. Not only did this person violate your trust by using the drugs in the first place, but the use of that drug may have also contributed to the accident.

Maintaining a Safe Workplace

Even if you’re amazing at your job, you should never take the risk of doing it on drugs. If you have any suspicion that drug use was a factor that may have caused or facilitated the accident, it’s important to take action. Everyone deserves to work in a safe space, and accidents that occur due to employee drug use do not promote that idea, which can be detrimental to overall morale. Holding team members responsible for their actions is essential if you want to maintain a level playing field.

Keeping Employees Healthy

As upset as you might be about an accident on the job, you should still care for your employees if they are facing drug problems. If you find out that one of your employees has been using drugs—whether or not it was the cause of the accident—you should take the opportunity to encourage him or her to get help.

Are you looking to implement a drug testing policy for your employees? Contact the professionals at HDS Safety Services or head over to our website. You can also call us at (520) 622-0419 to find out how our drug testing and compliance auditing services work.

Hazardous materials are inherently dangerous, but sometimes it’s the nature of your job to deal with them. Practicing hazmat safety protects the work environment and your employees. Thorough training can help your employees stay safe and keep your operation DOT compliant. Feel free to read ahead if you’d like a closer look at hazmat safety.

Keeping a Safe Workplace

Every industry deals with its own kinds of safety hazards, and most have different ways of keeping the workplace safe. From commercial kitchen fires to construction accidents, there are always going to be problems to avoid. If you work with hazardous materials, the danger is part of the job. However, you can work with a safety and compliance company to make sure your workplace is as safe as it can be.

Training Your Employees

If you’re handling dangerous materials, you need to be confident in your ability to do so. Make sure that every new employee that you hire gets the training he or she needs to deal with hazardous materials comfortably. If there are any signs of discomfort, go over any problems that the person might have.

Being DOT Compliant

When work takes you on the road, it’s not just one workplace that you need to keep safe. Remember that your actions can affect anyone else who happens to be in your vicinity on the road. This is why the Department of Transportation holds drivers to strict rules that govern their behavior on and off the road, as well as the policies that the business itself holds. If your company deals with hazardous materials and you want to be DOT compliant, you will need your employees to be knowledgeable and safe.

If you need any help being safe when handling hazardous materials, call HDS Safety Services at (520) 622-0419. Our services include DOT compliance consulting and alcohol and drug testing. You can always check out our website if you’d like to learn more about our business.

When workers are required to use heavy machinery on the job, it is very important that they are completely sober when they arrive for their shifts. If one of your employees has recently gotten into an accident while on the job, you may want to schedule mandatory drug testing services. Drug testing can help you determine whether the accident was partially caused by drug use, and will also allow you to take the appropriate actions. Let’s take a look at why employees need to be drug tested after on the job accidents.

Determine Cause of Accident

While some accidents may be caused by malfunctioning machinery or operator error, other workplace issues could be the result of drug use. By testing your workers after an on the job accident, you will be able to know for sure whether drugs or alcohol played a role in causing the incident.

Gather Accurate Accident Data

Depending on the rules and regulations in your specific industry, you may be required to file a report after a workplace accident. Mandatory drug testing after an incident will allow you to include accurate data in your reporting. When you write your report, you should be sure to note that the worker was under the influence during the incident.

Offer Appropriate Consequences or Services

With mandatory drug testing, you will be able to determine whether your employee is experiencing substance abuse problems. After you receive the results of the drug test, you will have the knowledge that you need to take action. Depending on your workplace rules, you may offer counseling, rehab, or ultimately decide to terminate the worker.

At HDS Safety Services, we can assist you with all of your workplace drug testings. Since 1985, we have provided the Tucson area with drug screening services, DOT regulation consulting, and other safety services. To schedule an employee drug test with one of our technicians, give us a call at (520) 622-0419 and we will be happy to set up a testing date.

Drug and alcohol use can dramatically affect the health, safety, and overall performance of your workers. By implementing a workplace drug testing program, you can make sure that your employees are not abusing illegal substances. To help your workers get back on track after a drug or alcohol violation, you may want to provide them with support through a workplace rehabilitation program. Here is a look at some factors to consider when you are creating a workplace rehab program for your business.

Create Evaluation Standards

In order to create an effective workplace rehabilitation program, you will need to make sure that you are evaluating your employees using consistent standards. Routine drug and alcohol testing can provide you with important information about whether or not your workers are using substances. Once you have set up a testing and evaluation program, you will be in a better position to help.

Focus On Alternative Actions

Rather than immediately offering negative consequences, such as termination, for employees that are found abusing drugs or alcohol, you may want to focus on alternative courses of action. By diverting your workers to a rehabilitation program, you can provide them with an opportunity to improve their health, get sober, and return to work.

Work with a Reputable Organization

Creating a workplace rehabilitation program requires careful planning and consideration. If you do not have experience with treating drug and alcohol issues, it is a good idea to reach out to a reputable organization that specializes in rehabilitation. With help from a team of experts, you can create a rehabilitation program that gets results.

If you would like to implement drug and alcohol testing in your workplace, get in touch with HDS Safety Services. Our staff provides accurate drug and alcohol testing for businesses throughout the Tucson area, and we will be able to provide you with more information about how to deal with drug and alcohol violations in the workplace. Call us at (520) 622-0419 to learn more about our safety services.

In order to keep your focus on moving your business forward, you shouldn’t have to constantly worry about whether your team is being safe. By hiring trustworthy employees, you can put together a team of all stars who understand how important safety is in the workplace. Read on to find out why trucking companies need to follow DOT safety guidelines.

Hire Qualified Employees

Part of following DOT safety guidelines includes testing your employees for drugs and alcohol. This is also an important aspect of the hiring process in many industries. If you want to make sure you choose the best workers out of the applicant pool, you can do so by following these safety guidelines and only bringing clean, sober individuals on board. Keep in mind that you can also conduct drug and alcohol testing after a person has already been hired, which can be an effective technique.

Create an Effective Team

Even the best-meaning people can be liabilities if they don’t understand how to do their jobs. DOT safety guidelines recommend that you train your new employees to the best of your ability. When your employees are fully trained and competent in their duties, they’ll be more likely to stay safe on the job.

Recognize the Importance of Safety

Safety is particularly important for trucking companies, because drivers will share the road with countless other people. This means a slip up could lead to damages and injuries for workers as well as other drivers and pedestrians. By continuously reminding your employees how crucial it is to stay safe on the road, you can expect them to employ the right practices.

Trucking companies need to stay safe, and the team at HDS Safety Services is happy to help. If you’d like to find out exactly what we can do for you, go ahead and check out our website or call us at (520) 622-0419 for more information.

You always want to have the most capable team possible, and you can enhance your efficiency by making sure your employees get the proper training. There are all kinds of in-person and online training courses that can make your employees more comfortable on the job and keep the overall operation running smoothly. Read on to see if your employees could benefit with these training services.

Supervisor Reasonable Suspicion Training

As a supervisor, it’s your job to look after the team that you work with. Part of this responsibility includes detecting when an employee may be using drugs or alcohol. Supervisor Reasonable Suspicion training is an online course that familiarizes supervisors with the symptoms of drug and alcohol abuse. Anyone who is in charge of drivers should undergo this type of training so they can promote a healthy and productive work environment.

CDL Knowledge Test Review

Supervisor Reasonable Suspicion training is just one type of training service that can be conveniently completed online. A CDL knowledge test review is another online training course that can benefit your employees and strengthen your team. It’s always helpful to refresh your knowledge, and a CDL knowledge test review can do exactly that. This type of course is also great for those who are returning to the job after a hiatus.

Maintenance and Inspection Training

Some training services are a bit more hands-on, like maintenance and inspection training. Throughout this program, you will learn how to inspect your vehicle. This gives you some insider knowledge and can help you ensure that you always pass inspection, as well as pass an audit. Knowledge of proper maintenance and inspection protocol will also keep employees safer on the road.

If you think your employees could benefit from any of these training services, don’t wait to call HDS Safety Services at (520) 622-0419. You can also visit our website to learn all about our compliance and safety training services today.

A compliant workspace is a must for the sake of your workers, your clients, and your business as a whole. In order to be compliant, you should have access to a few different books and forms that you can get from your safety services specialist. Read on to find out if your business has the necessary supplies for a compliant workspace.


There are a handful of books that can serve as valuable resources when it comes to maintaining a compliant workspace. The Safety Regulation Handbook is crucial and should be made available to your team; there is even a pocket-sized version for extra convenience. Books like Handling Hazardous Materials Guidebook and Hazmat Made Easier are references that employees can use to ensure that they know how to properly handle dangerous materials.


A workspace needs to have a wide range of forms and documents in order to be compliant. These forms range from the driver’s vehicle inspection to a list of warning labels that refer to different types of hazardous materials. Your workspace also needs medical forms—both long and short—as well as a driver daily log book and a driver qualification file.

Where to Get Them

Your business can’t remain compliant if it’s missing any of these important books or forms. If you need any of these materials, you can always talk to your safety and compliance professionals to restock whatever it is you may be missing.

If your business doesn’t already have the supplies you need to maintain a compliant workspace, you’ll want to get them right away. Contact HDS Safety Services or visit our website to see how you can acquire the supplies you need. You can also call us at (520) 622-0419 to learn all about our safety and compliance services.

The organization is key when you want your business to succeed, and there’s nothing wrong with reaching out for a little help staying on top of your files. You need to have a clear idea of how your employees work as well as their eligibility to drive, and professional driver qualification management can compile that information for you. Here’s how you can keep your files updated with professional driver qualification management.

Conducting Audits

Everything should be done by the book if you want to run your business as safely and efficiently as possible, so professional driver qualification management is important. Part of this procedure includes conducting audits. This gives the professionals a chance to make sure that all of the information you have on file regarding your drivers is accurate and up to date.

Tracking Expiration

Certain documents need to be renewed before they expire; if a given document does expire, it becomes invalid. Through professional driver qualification management, you can check to ensure that your drivers all have valid, active licenses. Your specialists will also look through medical records and other time-sensitive documents, and they can even give you a heads-up if an important expiration date is coming up soon.

Quarterly Reports

When you hire a safety and compliance service, you want to make sure that you understand the information that the team presents to you. Your professionals can offer you quarterly reports outlining what the team has come across and alert you about any errors, expirations, or other issues that you might be concerned with. Thanks to this service, you can rest assured that your drivers’ files will be in compliance.

Professional driver qualification management is just one of the many services that we offer at HDS Safety Services. We also offer compliance auditing services as well as DOT compliance consulting. Please visit our website or call us at (520) 622-0419 to learn more about us.

It can be argued that most people are not as informed as they should be about drug use, and this is partially due to all of the myths that have continually impeded the facts. A lack of understanding of drugs can also cause you to fail a drug test and miss out on a great employment opportunity. Keep reading for a few common myths about drugs and drug testing.

You Only Need to Test Once

Pre-employment drug testing tends to be common, even among companies that do not administer any additional drug tests in the future. For this reason, many drug users will cease the use of their drug of choice while going through the application and hiring process but return to using once they have been hired. Smarter businesses will employ various types of drug testing, including random drug testing. This ensures a drug-free environment not only with new hires but for the entire workforce present at your business.

How To Beat a Drug Test?

From commercial products to at-home “remedies” like drinking vinegar, people will tell you about all kinds of methods that can supposedly help you pass a drug test. What people might not realize is that attempting to score a false negative on your drug test can quickly backfire and do more harm than good. Methods that change the pH level of your urine may seem like they could be effective, but laboratory professionals are trained to notice when the results have been manipulated. In some cases, this can automatically disqualify you from obtaining employment.

Are you interested in getting to the bottom of more myths about drugs and drug testing? Call HDS Safety Services at (520) 622-0419. In addition to drug testing, we can offer training services and help your company reach complete DOT compliance. Feel free to check out our website for more details about our services.

Anyone who is going to be driving for a living must prove him or herself competent, and this can include a variety of drug and alcohol tests. Pre-employment, post-accident, and return to duty testing can help to maintain a safe workplace and a healthy team. Here is a closer look at the different DOT drug and alcohol tests.

Pre-Employment – DOT Drug Test

You always want to hire employees that you think will improve your team and enhance your workplace, which is one reason it helps to conduct pre-employment drug and alcohol tests. Screening applicants before making the hire can allow you to make the most informed choice possible, and it can also save you the time and energy of training an applicant that turns out not to be fit for the job. You never want someone with a drug problem operating one of your vehicles; this could be bad for your business and for the safety of those on the road.

Post-Accident – DOT Drug Test

Accidents happen everywhere, and the workplace is no exception. When it comes to dealing with damages and worker’s compensation, however, you need to make sure that substance use and abuse did not play a role in the incident. By drug testing an employee who was involved in an accident, you can determine whether substances may have been a factor.

Return to Duty – DOT Drug Test

Whether an individual has taken a leave of absence or been out because of an injury, it’s a good idea to conduct a drug and alcohol test when he or she returns. You always want to make sure that your workforce is operating at peak capacity, so the returning employee should be free of drugs. This can be especially important if the employee had been injured and medicated.

For more information about any of these DOT drug and alcohol tests, please call HDS Safety Services at (520) 622-0419. It’s our job to help you keep your workforce clean, competent, and safe. Head over to our website to learn more about how we can help you.